20. Final Review

Final Review


  • X-Ray: Type of 2D imaging that uses a type of radiation to take pictures of the body's internal structures
  • Computed Tomography: Type of 3D imaging that uses x-rays to take pictures at multiple angles of the body's internal structures
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Type of 3D imaging that uses radio waves and strong magnetic fields at multiple angles to take pictures of the body's internal structures
  • Mammogram: A type of 2D x-ray that is specialized for breast imaging
  • Digital Pathology: A type of 2D imaging that involves the digitization of microscopy images of cell-level biological material
  • Radiologist: A specialized type of clinician who is trained to read medical imaging data
  • PACS: Picture archiving and communication system, used for storing and viewing medical images within and across hospitals
  • Screening: A type of test that is performed on individuals who are in a risk group for a given disease
  • Sensitivity: Proportion of accurately identified positive cases that a test returns
  • Specificity: Proportion of accurately identified negative cases that a test returns